Sunday, 15 November 2015

Start of Project Ensuite Bathroom

Not bad for a weekend's work ...

Before (January 2015):
Everything you see in these following pictures Adrian did this weekend (14/15 November 2015) - apart from the lights repositioned and the walls painted last weekend:

Will it be all done by Christmas?  (A few weekends away will delay progress a little, but it's do-able!)

Friday, 13 November 2015

Journey of a bathroom ...

May 2013
 October 2013

 August 2014
 September 2014

 October 2014


November 2014
December 2014
January 2014
February 2014
March 2014
April 2014

October 2015 ... toilet plumbed in, if you don't mind sharing it with a table saw!

 to be continued ...

Our new living space taking shape

I haven't blogged any recent pictures of our new lounge area which is taking shape, thanks to a donated sofa bed which has come in very handy with so many visitors and celebrations this past month.

Even Hannah's been using the new kitchen!


November's late-night projects

Adrian continues to work hard on the house when he gets in from work each evening.  Here are some of his latest jobs ticked off the (very long!) 'list' ...

Oiling the downstairs doors and fitting handles.
At last, we can keep the cats out of the kitchen!
 The kitchen island is now complete, including end panelling and corner oak posts.

I now have somewhere to hang my tea towels and ovengloves!

 After spending ages to choose the lights above the island, and sorting out the required wiring, we're really pleased with these lovely reflective copper ones.