Tuesday, 11 November 2014

Frustrating delay

No pictures today (they take an absolute age to upload with our annoying slow broadband) but I can report that we have a bit of a hold up with the roof which is slowing us down by a couple of weeks.  Bother.  The company we have ordered them from apparently has a sudden overload of orders, plus a broken piece of machinery which is slowing down their manufacture - even though the whole kit was supposed to have been delivered a couple of weeks ago.  All wall panels are up apart from the roof panels, so unfortunately we're not weathertight yet.

We've had to delay the roof tiler and windows delivery by a couple of weeks which is annoying.  After a couple of weeks off site, while a separate crew were here to install the SIPS panels, Pat and Alan were back today to continue with what they can.  Today they dug a drain trench through the middle of the ground floor in preparation for the new kitchen, utility room and downstairs bathroom.  What they really need to get on with is fitting the soffits and fascias ahead of the roof tiling, but they can't do this until the roof is on - and Adrian is going to be making these and painting them (when the weather dries up) in some special long-lasting paint treatment.

The only good thing about not having builders on site for a while is the privacy we've enjoyed for a few days, and peace and quiet.  We have been able to use the house toilet whenever we like (the SIPS panel builders came as early as 7.00am and worked right through until 5.00pm), and access the washing machine (and more importantly the tumble dryer!) at all hours.

To finish, I'll just share with you our experience in the early hours of yesterday morning when the rain drumming on the caravan roof was SO LOUD that we didn't hear the clock radio alarm go off at 6.00am ... not that it mattered as we'd been awake for ages!

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