Monday, 29 December 2014

End of the Year ...

We went away on our Christmas travels absolutely delighted that the house is really taking shape, especially as Pat and Alan had managed to install all of the upstairs windows, and the front ones, which we hadn't expected until the New Year - it's made such a difference.  The completion of the SIPS panels construction was quite a drama, largely but not in whole due to the delayed delivery of parts which caused problems for everyone involved.  Pat and Alan had to spend quite a bit of time making everything right after the construction crew eventually finished on site, and are understandably anxious that any poor work does not reflect badly on them.  Thank goodness for their attention to detail and pride in their work.
Emma's bedroom
Emma's room looking down the landing to our bedroom
Hannah's room with ensuite

Family bathroom
Spare bedroom

Our bedroom

When we got home on 27th December we found that Pat had even managed to put in several of the downstairs windows, with the help of Bob the Electrician who had done some wiring work in our absence.  (Alan is taking a well-earned two week break.)  Adrian also has two weeks off 'proper' work (back on 5 Jan), and his tasks include: finish painting the barge boards, fascias and soffits; first fix plumbing (positioning and laying all the hot/cold water & radiator pipes); shopping for all materials required by Pat and Alan next week (eg pipes, gutters & screws); and design the staircase.

So, as the year draws to a close, we are excited to start visualising all of the rooms taking shape, and to start making plans for the next stage of the build.  Life in the caravan/garden room continues to go smoothly - in spite of the freezing temperatures (Jen has just been to stay in the garden room and said she was nice and cosy!) - and we have managed to make things look quite festive.  (Pictures another time.)  Happy New Year to everyone reading this blog ...

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