Sunday, 15 February 2015

First room painted

Emma is the lucky girl whose bedroom is the very first room to be painted!  She's chosen two great colours for opposite walls, after a base coat all over of Bridleways White. (A deep fuschia pink and Summer Season green - £9 a tin in the B&Q half price sale!)

 Thank you Grandpa for helping, and with Hannah's room too, still to finish.

You might, from these pictures, imagine that we are about to move in, but unfortunately there is a LONG way still to go! Now that the upstairs is well on the way, our attention has to turn to downstairs which is still largely rubble!

In addition to painting, Adrian has continued with his plumbing checks this weekend, to ensure the system is all sound before the downstairs ceilings are installed and cover up all the pipework.  Bob the electrician will be busy next week making sure all the wiring is in place, too.

Here is our newly installed hot water tank in the downstairs bathroom

And the latest temporary toilet door arrangement (which involves sliding the block of insulation material across, just about almost filling the doorway, but not quite)!

And finally a cute picture of Pickle enjoying some peace and quiet in the caravan (excuse Hannah's unmade bed!).


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