Friday, 20 March 2015

Cabin Fever

Seven months in the caravan and the girls are definitely getting 'cabin fever'.  They really want their own space back.  What do you do when one girl wants complete darkness at bedtime (can't even bear the glow from the clock radio) and the other wants a bit of light from somewhere?  One girl likes peace and quiet, the other hums to herself!  Emma announced last week that she was going to 'live on the trampoline' ... well, she does her homework on it.

I was pleased with myself after managing to 'bake' Caravan Flapjacks for Emma's school Comic Relief cake sale.  Shame they turned out a bit more like crumble topping!  Salvaged a few for Emma to decorate.
Whilst Adrian was away this week he asked us three girls to write a list of remaining jobs in the house in priority order.  We all agree number one is stairs.  After that, top of my list is a shower (with more than two minutes of warm water).  Hannah and Emma both unanimously asked for doors on their rooms!  The kitchen is surprisingly low down the list ... after bedrooms and a bathroom.  I've just been told that even though next week we are having 'Express Liquid Screed', which can be walked on after just 24 hours, it can't have anything too heavy put on it for FOUR WEEKS!  This means it will be the end of April before we can get our furniture out of storage, or fit the kitchen.  Bother.  But at least it will give us time to complete all the painting and decorating.  Anyone fancy bringing a paintbrush????  (Or having the girls over to play?  Or cooking us a nice dinner?)  There's a faint glimmer of light at the end of a very long tunnel, but it still feels as though there is a very long way to go ... keep going!!!

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