Monday, 10 August 2015

One Year On

No blog for a long while.  Partly because progress has been very gradual, and partly because I've been feeling a bit fed up.  Having paced myself to cope with the situation for up to a year, we now find ourselves looking at months before completing the whole project.  Yes, I know, it will be worth it.

Adrian's dad helped us with the kitchen plumbing (routing the drainage pipes through the utility room) ...

This is where we were up to at the end of July.... lovely outside lights installed, kitchen cupboards in, and the extension very much a workshop space ...

So, for those who were expecting my next blog to be a finished house ... NOT QUITE YET!  Adrian now has a week off work to stay at home working on the house, before we go on a well-earned family holiday to France for a bit of a break.  Adrian has promised me I won't still be cooking in the caravan by the time we get back ...

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